What an emotionally healthy relationship feels like

Prathima D
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Source: Internet

Emotionally intelligent

Working on your emotional intelligence can help deepen and strengthen your relationships. Mutual validation is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, romantic or otherwise. Validating someone else helps them feel heard, understood, and appreciated.

“You & I are a team”

We compete against the world, not with each other. No scorecard. They know that there should be no sense of competition regarding matters of the heart.

To err is to be human

Nobody is perfect. Humans are all multi-faceted beings with loud feelings, unique superstitions, and conflicting needs. Having emotional intelligence means accepting this fact and even embracing it. Knowing each other’s likes & dislikes is an important excercise.

Self comes first

Only when your cup is full, you can pour into others. Your partner only adds to what you already are. Keep your identity. We did have a life before our respective partners came into our lives. The “me” time is a crucial part of a relationship. Allowing the other person to live his/her life gives a breather. Only in the absence, the hearts grow fonder and you realise each other’s presence & the value one brings in. The emotionally intelligent still invest in themselves and their personal growth because they know the importance of having an identity outside of their partnership. They don’t want their partner to be their everything, nor do they want to be everything to their partner.

No silent treatment

Emotionally intelligent people communicate openly, honestly, and directly. Talking like adults to retrospect often towards resolution helps. They initiate hard conversations when they need to be had instead of dropping subtle hints that they’re upset and hope their partner reads their mind and brings it up.

Never target your partner’s weakness

In intimate relationships, one reveals a lot about themselves, including their insecurities. Someone with emotional intelligence would never use their partner’s deepest pains and fears against them. Instead, they are a safe place for their partner to share their innermost truths.

They don’t try to fix or change your person

Finally, an emotionally intelligent person would never attempt to change or fix their partner. They understand this is not up to them, nor is it their role to play the role of saviour. The emotionally intelligent person takes their partner as all that they are and loves them for that person. Not some potential version of them, not some future possibility.



Prathima D

I write about Dance, Fitness, Relationships, Product reviews and the self. My goal is to write something that will inspire or touch the heart and soul ❤