Traits of a high-value woman

Observations from hanging out with the boss ladies around

Prathima D
4 min read5 days ago

A high-value woman has a certain level of control over her ability to control her emotions to maintain high standards, live an enriching life, and set healthy boundaries in all her relationships. Elegance and poise are naturally inculcated in a high-value woman.

High-value women do not believe in being married just for the sake of being married. They don’t settle for less just to say they settled down. They are not desperate for commitment, because their strongest commitment and loyalty are to themselves. Gender roles are a big no-no for a high-value woman. Because she knows what she brings to the table — be it a boardroom meeting or be it a kitchen counter.

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High-value women do know that marriage and childbearing are serious business, and they take it very seriously. For them, being with the wrong man is a liability, not an automatic benefit, and they assess and vet their dating and relationship partners very carefully for compatibility when it comes to attraction, personality traits, financial stability, emotional stability, and emotional maturity. This is why these women tend to end up with great partners, or at the very least, do not settle for toxic ones, and live thriving lives. In hindsight, we do not get to choose our parents, family, or religion, so when you have all the rights to choose a partner for a lifetime, choose wisely. This is the biggest decision and only compounds as life goes on. Choosing the right partner is the best career decision a woman can ever make.

In response to disrespect, self-respecting women never go overboard to explain their feelings. They take aligned actions to enforce their boundaries instead. They walk away and detach before they become too invested in someone who cannot meet their needs.

Energy is currency, and high-quality women don’t waste their emotional energy trying to change dating partners who don’t meet their standards. The time you spend chasing a dating partner is time you could be spending chasing your goals, dreams, your career, money, and better dating options.

Women with emotional mastery know this on a deep level, which is why they’re not willing to spend massive amounts of energy on an unsuitable suitor. They are self-focused and grounded in what they know they deserve. If a man suggests a low-effort date they’re not into, they won’t engage with them further.

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High-value women know their intrinsic value and they value themselves above any potential dating partner, so they won’t be tolerating toxic shifts or mixed signals in a romantic dynamic.

High-quality women understand their worth and treat themselves as important. They place themselves on the pedestal and engage in practices that embody that self-love and self-respect. They prioritize themselves and their self-care, their dreams, and their goals. This is revolutionary in a society that tells women daily that they are only worthy if they are in a relationship.

High-quality women know everything they bring to the table and they are well aware of how their dating and relationship partners benefit from their presence. If a dating partner demeans them after a period of love-bombing them, they will not tolerate it. They treat themselves exceptionally well, so a partner who treats them any less than that only detracts from their life, and they have the emotional mastery to opt out of a toxic situation that has the potential to harm them once they identify the red flags.

They don’t accept the bare minimum just to get anything. They lead exciting and fulfilling lives, and a man is only a small part of that.

High-quality women don’t centre their dating partners just because of their potential. Does this dating partner bring value to their life, or do they create chaos, uncertainty, and more pain? Do they bring romance, excitement, fulfilment, and emotional nourishment, or do they bring less than the bare minimum and expect you to grovel for more? If the latter, high-value women know they are worth far more than that and deserve better.

They refuse to accept the bare minimum when they know they can get top-tier treatment from other dating options and even themselves, their friends, their peers, and family members. They lead enriching lives, pursue exciting dreams and careers, and have flourishing social networks that give them love and fulfilment in every facet of their existence.

A high-value woman is a rare breed. If you are fortunate to come across one, celebrate her instead of being intimidated by her. Not every man knows how to treat one such woman. She’s on her toes to be chased for the right reasons with right intention, and visualises to point out and proudly declare — ”I’m happily married to this gorgeous kind-hearted man right here”. She’ll only uplift and add value to your life. She’ll be strongly opinionated be it in her portfolio, her passion and purpose, her way of leading life in a high society, her acquaintances, her hobbies, or be it her work ethic. Embrace her just the way she is. Admiration fetches you a seat. She’s full of life with or without a man beside her.

Having a high-quality partner on top of that is simply the cherry on top, and they’re not going to settle for anything less than a partner who adds to their life in beneficial ways.



Prathima D

I write about Dance, Fitness, Relationships, Product reviews and the self. My goal is to write something that will inspire or touch the heart and soul ❤