Product Review | OnceHub

A professional no-code meeting journey builder

Prathima D
3 min readMay 19, 2024

New User Onboarding Journey issues & improvements

Onboarding Video
Set-up Selection
Set-up Selection
Set-up Selection
Setup Selection
Test Booking
Success Page
Home page
Coach marks or Tutorials
Congratulations pop-up
Signup success Emailer
Booking Successful Emailer
Upcoming Meeting Notification

Good to have features:

  1. Vernacular Support — Introducing support for multiple languages would make OnceHub more accessible to users worldwide, catering to diverse language preferences.
  2. Appointment Feedback and Ratings — Provide feedback on their scheduling experiences, helping organizers gather insights and improve their scheduling processes.
    Eg: Star ratings
  3. Advanced Security Feature — Enhancing security features, such as two-factor authentication, session expiry when logged in on another system, role-based access control, and data encryption, would ensure the privacy and security of users’ scheduling data, particularly for sensitive or confidential appointments.
    Eg: Gmail
  4. Customizable Booking Rules — Offering customizable booking rules and restrictions, such as minimum lead times, maximum appointment durations, or blackout dates, would give users greater control over their scheduling parameters and preferences.
    Eg: Sync with the Employee leave calendar & National holidays
  5. White-Labelling Options—Providing white-labelling options for branding and customization would allow businesses to incorporate OnceHub seamlessly into their existing platforms and websites, maintaining a consistent brand experience for their users.
    Eg: A CSS theme based on logo colours automated for every client respectively.
  6. Mobile App Enhancements — Improving the OnceHub mobile app with additional features and functionalities, such as push notifications, offline access, and in-app scheduling capabilities, would provide users with greater flexibility and convenience while on the go.
  7. Interactive Calendar Views — Implementing interactive calendar views with drag-and-drop functionality and visual indicators for availability would make it easier for users to manage their schedules and appointments efficiently.



Prathima D

I write about Dance, Fitness, Relationships, Product reviews and the self. My goal is to write something that will inspire or touch the heart and soul ❤