PocketFM | Product Review

An audio series app

Prathima D
3 min readApr 23, 2024


  1. Increase the user engagement of the users
  2. Add user delight feature wherever necessary
  3. Referral & social features for the word of mouth & organic reach

Suggestions & Improvements

Nice-To-Have Features

  1. Intuitive user interface for easy navigation
  2. Transcript in a variety of languages chosen from
  3. Single audio is chosen to be able to switch to a different language
  4. Switch languages despite the ones chosen during registration
  5. Offline access for the buffered content is to be saved in the local listening capabilities for uninterrupted playback.
  6. Languages chosen based on the current GPS location of the device
  7. Accessibility features for all users, including those with disabilities
  8. Community engagement features like user reviews and ratings
  9. Regular updates and bug fixes for optimal performance
  10. A USP can be exclusive content that could set the app apart from competitors and attract users looking for fresh and engaging audio experiences.



Prathima D

I write about Dance, Fitness, Relationships, Product reviews and the self. My goal is to write something that will inspire or touch the heart and soul ❤