Not a perfect love yet close to real

Prathima D
4 min readSep 3, 2021
  • A love that starts with nerves and excitement. A love that gives your stomach that weird feeling like you’re going to throw up right before you see them, but in a happier, lighter way.
  • A love that has you sitting on your couch staring at your phone with the most attentive kind of anticipation waiting for them to text you that they’re at the entrance to your apartment. A love that brings an automatic smile to your face before you even run down the stairs and open the door to see them.
A proposal at a National Park
  • A love that attempts to bring down the walls you’ve tried so hard to keep up, because, for reasons you have no certainty of, this person somehow thinks you’re worth it.
  • A love where you plan to watch the next set of standups show, the musical, museum visit, a jog at the Cubbon park, the nearest government library, the aquarium, the cake exhibition, the Dyu art cafe, or the Green theory where you are lost in your me-time, or the blossom’s book house, or a dance retreat.
  • You’re going to find love with someone who accepts that your walls were built for protection. Someone who shows you they’d never try to hurt you like the ones before they did. And they’ll be patient. Because they understand that you’ve been hurt before, but real love assures you just enough to leave the fear of being broken behind and to take that unknown step forward.
Goals with a little me-time!
  • A kind of love where you learn about each other’s strong points, being mentored by each other in what one excels at or has a stronghold on for the life skills, open to learning a new perspective of life, open to staying calm & kind until the other person finishes his sentence, growing together, pushing each other out of their comfort zones, working on their respective To-Do list, being an accountability partner when one slows down or loses hope, working on a vision board & turning in into a reality, a culinary experience together, taking up a new hobby or a skill or a professional course & thriving together. This is exactly what life & companionship is for me.
  • You will find a love that changes you. Not who you are, but the way you are. The way you see things, and the way you react to them. You look at life a little differently because they open your mind to other worlds, to worlds outside of your own. And this allows you to see worlds outside of each other too.
  • A love that leads to texts from the room to the hallway, or the ignorance glances after a silly argument, the should I apologize or not stare, & the i-miss-you puppy face, a love that divides the house-old chores with no gender roles, a love where I cook & you chill as you had a long day or an important day tomorrow, let's watch the sunrises & sunsets together silently holding hands & a peck on the forehead.
  • Love is when we plan the itinerary for the trip, love is when we save lump sum together for a lifetime experience, love is when we push each other during the workout for an upcoming trek, love is cutting off junk media & food together no matter how addicted one can be, love is when you are engrossed in your work & he drops in just for a peck on your cheeks, love is when he drops-in at work just to say that he misses you!
A couple who love Mountains
  • You will find a love that feels comfortable. You’re going to find a love that isn’t always exciting but is consistent. Because not every night can be full of rumpled sheets and bared souls, some nights will be full of sour stomachs and runny noses, falling asleep to nature documentaries and boring books on your Kindle.
  • You’re going to find a love that lets you be yourself, and maybe sometimes that’s a little boring, but it’s also unbelievably beautiful to find someone who accepts you just the way you are.
  • Someone who accepts you when you’re not trying to impress them when you are in sleepy cat pajamas that button head to toe and they tell you you look cute when your hair is oily, you’ve got zit cream on your face and they try to kiss you anyway when you feel like you’re the most unlovable, and they somehow love you regardless. Because that’s real love. Whether you’re wearing lingerie, whether you’re face is perfectly powdered or flaunting zits, whether you feel unlovable or not, real love stays.
A couple who invests in experiences
  • Because you’re not going to find someone who’s perfect, and you won’t be perfect either, and in real love, both of you know this. And neither of you would want to be because perfection would change everything about what makes the two of you who you are, and who you are when you’re together. Because whatever the two of you have, you know it’s not perfect, it’s better.



Prathima D

I write about Dance, Fitness, Relationships, Product reviews and the self. My goal is to write something that will inspire or touch the heart and soul ❤